Our Team

Our Team

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A short take on today

Lisa has electricity and a new paint job on her house and fence!!
Here's the swingset!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome job guys (and gals). It is amazing what was done in the few days that both teams were there. I am sure by now that a lot of you are getting home sick. This was about the time that I know that I was. I can guarnatee that you will have mixed feelings about leaving. There will be the urge to stay to help out even more as you see how much work needs to be done. But the urge to come home and see family will outweigh that. You just have to realize that God is working and will continue to work as you come home. He will prepare the other teams that are coming down this summer to further what has been done to glorify His name. They have seen what the Lord can do when people of like minds put forth their 100% effort for one purpose.

Well I will sign off now. Enjoy your day off tomorrow and have safe travels on the way home. Debbie-I hope that you are feeling better.

God Bless