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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our amazing VBS leader - Nicole Vroman

This is Chris Shaw. I'd like you to know how wonderful Nicole was as our leader for VBS this morning! She organized it, helped us all get the stuff together that all of you donated for VBS and pack it up to take to Grays Farm Wesleyan Church. We started out with four children and by the time we were done, the word had gotten around that something was happening there and we had 14 kids. Nicole helped me lead the singing and we learned some songs from them, too! We hope to sing all of you one of those songs when we get back! Pastor Dennis Curell read the story of David and Goliath right out of the Bible and the children acted it out. Nicole had the children decorate bags that we later filled up with lots of fun goodies and treats. We took the children to the basement to decorate t-shirts. Anyway, there's lots more to tell, but that's it in a nutshell!

From "Chaplin" Dave. The burning question today was "Where's Frank"? Every time we got ready to leave a location Frank would be missing. Usually he was off shooting one of his 300 photos that he took today! At one point we had a person we met take a picture of the whole group only to realize that Frank wasn't in it! We had a great time ministering to the children. In reality I think that they ministered to us more than we did to them. Only one day here and it has been a great experience.

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